Banana ice-cream

Long time blog readers will know that I have a talent for finding wonderful foods that are about to be discontinued by their manufacturers. One of the earliest casualties was a wonderful ice-cream that was a mixture of banana, chocolate and peanut butter. It's been gone for a good seven years now and I still walk slowly through the freezer aisle, hoping that somehow it's come back.
Well, about six weeks ago I realized that some people actually make their own ice-cream. I didn't know how tough it was, how difficult the process. My kitchen adventures aren't very adventurous. Looking around on Amazon brought me to this beauty right here. The reviews were positive and it didn't look that hard to work with. The basic thing you need is enough freezer space to store the mixing bucket. If you've got that then all you need to do is mix the stuff, pour it in and you had ice-cream!
My wonderful sister got me one for my birthday. I'm making the first batch right now. It took some sugar mixed with whole milk and heavy cream. We mashed up three bananas. One quick pour and right now the machine is doing it's thing. I'll update, but I'm pretty optimistic.


DD4 said…
My Peder, the cook! I'm very proud of you, son. I also love banana ice cream. Do you remember Klagge's in Austin? I always ordered a banana cone when we went there. :-)
That sounds absolutely wonderful, Peder. I can remember when they had the Banana, chocolate and peanut butter ice cream. I will be waiting to here how yours turns out.
I dip apples & celery in peanut butter. I'm getting hungry.
carrster said…
and...? how was it??

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