More winter

It's often said that the Eskimos have a hundred words for snow (or something like that). The Bedouins have the same deal with sand. And it's not noted as much but the Swiss have about a hundred words that all mean 'rock formation'.
Why don't Minnesotans have a hundred words for frost-on-your-windshield? This morning's entry was like a beautiful smooth white layer of paint. You could only scrape it off if the scraper blade was at just the right angle. Unfortunately to achieve that angle for the middle third of the windshield I would have had to stand on the hood of the car.

Current weather in Honolulu? 82 and cloudy.


Meigan said…
I think Minnesotans have 100 words for Packer fans.
Peder said…
A few choice ones, I'll give you that. I hope your coworkers didn't give you a hard time today.
Kate said…
I have a hundred words for not having an ice scraper in my new car last Friday. In fact, most of them were uttered quite loudly at seven am.
Alfred T. Mahan said…
Just wait until winter comes, Peder. Besides, isn't this why GM (or whoever) invented window defrosters?

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