Election eve

My friends, it's almost over. It's been the longest Presidential campaign in history but we're nearly to the end. Things to celebrate:
  • We're almost clear of the ads. It's hard to convey to non-Minnesotans just how depressing the ads have been. The TV has been absolutely blanketed with them, nearly all filled with obvious half-truths and insulting lack of logic.
  • The senatorial campaign in particular has been especially rough. That Franken is a world class Ventura hasn't helped. (Sorry for the language, Mom.)
  • Twenty-four hours from now no one will hector me to vote anymore. Yes, I know I'm not the target but the overkill factor is huge. Come Wednesday the uninterested will be left alone. This isn't a bad thing.
  • We'll finally find out the actual votes and be able to stop listening to widely contradictory polls. Seriously, how can two different polling agencies search the same area at the same time and get such different results. This could be the one that breaks the industry. Again, not a bad thing.
Just one more day...


MamaD4 said…
Is Ventura a naughty word?
Peder said…
It is in our family. Just don't let your kids say it around their grandma.
DD4 said…
Now, now, Peder. I agree with you - I was sick of this whole escapade a year ago! I hate that I don't have "caller ID" because I answer the phone every time it rings thinking it is Chad or Heidi tell ing me Marshall has been born! Instead it's some eager soul begging me to get out and vote. I even got an invitation from one party to go to an Irish bar last night to help with the campaign. I mean REALLY!

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