Recount Madness

Here's a fascinating look at some of the challenged ballots in Minnesota's Senate recount. Some of them are pretty arguable and the voter intent will be tough to figure out. Other ballot challenges are obviously hail mary attempts to gain an extra vote somehow. On the radio today, they said that the challenged votes will almost certainly outnumber the winning margin. Should make for fun court cases (yuck).


Sarita said…
There is no fool proof method. The more fool proof we make it the better the fools get.

Minnesota state law seems very clear. We really should be automatically rejecting any unclear, or improperly marked ballots.

Instead of spending all this time & money trying to determine voter intent, maybe we could spend that volunteer time and county money on voter education.
I spend a ton of time teaching my students to fillin bubble sheets properly. Why cant we:

Have some kind of ad campaign teaching people to fill in ballots properly

Make a DVD that loops that people can watch before voting.

Place a ton of signs telling people to get a NEW ballot if they make a mistake.
DD4 said…
Sarah, your ideas are sound. You should write a letter to the editors of THE STAR TRIBUNE and THE PIONEER PRESS.

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