The Work Thing

Tomorrow is my last day in the office. Starting next Monday I'll be a stay at home dad. There is a chance that my company will ask me to do some part time work from home but even if they do, it will be at least a few weeks until that would happen.
How do I feel? Pretty good, actually. I think I'm up to handling both kids on a daily basis. Even the lack of adult contact doesn't scare me too much. And the lack of corporate nonsense is a definite plus! And even the part time stuff would be fine, if that's what happens.

In many ways this feels like a new page of adventure. Bring it on!


Meigan said…

Don't forget to check out - MDAH (the preferred terminology is "at home dad" not "stay-at-home dad" because the acronym is SAHD, and it's not sad, it's happy - I know, useless nugget...)

Looking forward to hearing all about your new adventures!
carrster said…
Congrats on the beginning of your new chapter!
DD4 said…
Your kids will benefit from having you home all day! Plus, maybe I'll get to see you now and then! Best wishes, Peder & Sarah!
Steve said…
Congratulations! I think that's awesome.

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