
While picking Relia up from preschool today and strapping her into her car seat . . .

Me: Hey, scoot back so I can buckle this.
Relia: I can't. The poop is in the way.
Me: Poop?
Relia: Yeah.
Me: (sigh) In your pants?
Relia: Yeah.
Me: Did you tell anyone at preschool?
Relia: No.
Me: Why not?
Relia: It was quiet time!


Kate said…
Well. It WAS quiet time...
Alfred T. Mahan said…
She's going to join the Debate Club wherever she goes to HS, Peder.
Meigan said…
Thank you. I gave my kids an extra hug tonight for being totally 100% potty trained.

Although if my kids were so cute about it I might not mind...

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