While picking Relia up from preschool today and strapping her into her car seat . . .
Me: Hey, scoot back so I can buckle this.
Relia: I can't. The poop is in the way.
Me: Poop?
Relia: Yeah.
Me: (sigh) In your pants?
Relia: Yeah.
Me: Did you tell anyone at preschool?
Relia: No.
Me: Why not?
Relia: It was quiet time!
Me: Hey, scoot back so I can buckle this.
Relia: I can't. The poop is in the way.
Me: Poop?
Relia: Yeah.
Me: (sigh) In your pants?
Relia: Yeah.
Me: Did you tell anyone at preschool?
Relia: No.
Me: Why not?
Relia: It was quiet time!
Although if my kids were so cute about it I might not mind...