Box Elder Bugs

Yesterday morning's breakfast started badly. I'd split my bagel in half and was ready to toast it when I noticed a BOX ELDER BUG sitting on the toaster. The FP Gal tried to help remove him but it looked like he went into one of the slots. Not cool. She then shook out the toaster over the garbarge while I helpfully supervised from the other side of the kitchen. After that we couldn't see it in the toaster. So...we did a test run to smoke it out. Nothing. After careful inspection I finally toasted my bagel. Carefully checked it for embedded insect. Found it clean and ate it. Whew!
This morning I sliced my bagel. And found another Box Elder bug on the toaster. The FP Gal was still asleep so I had to take care of it myself. Kleenex over mouth, eyes barely open and a quick paper towel latter it was gone.
Seriously, if I find another one tomorrow we have to sell the house.


DD4 said…
You have GOT to be kidding!!

I remember once when Alan Wigant put on his entire snowmobile suit - plus motorcycle helmet with a plastic shield over the face - to kill a bat in their house with a tennis racquet! By the way, this was during the summer. ;-)
MamaD4 said…
Wow. I have to say that I too am surprised! We used to get them in our house growing up too, but they never horrified me as much as say, a spider of any size. I remember seeing a dead tree at my grandparents' farm that was covered with a sea of red. After living here with the disgusting array of bugs...I think I'm over my bug phobia. If only you could have seen the gichi--one needs a shovel or sledgehammer to take care of one of those. Maybe you need a new toaster--is yours wood paneled? Kidding.
MamaD4 said…
Bats can have rabies...they're like big, scary mice with wings. I'd definitely suit up for that too!

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