The Kitchen Gargoyle
So the FP Gal mentioned that Ozzie has found a new perch in the kitchen. He's taken to climbing up on a shelf that's on top of the refrigerator. This keeps him safely out of our reach and gives him a view of everything going on up there. At first we'd be surprised to see him up there but we've gotten used to it.
But he's discovered a drawback to it. If he's up there we can't reach him to bring him down. We also can't reach him to pet his head! So now he can sometimes be seen trying to turn over in too small of a space, giving little mews and brrrs that mean Love Me! Poor guy. Wonder how long it'll take him to figure out the problem?
But he's discovered a drawback to it. If he's up there we can't reach him to bring him down. We also can't reach him to pet his head! So now he can sometimes be seen trying to turn over in too small of a space, giving little mews and brrrs that mean Love Me! Poor guy. Wonder how long it'll take him to figure out the problem?