Monday Random Thoughts

  • Enjoyed the game yesterday. I wasn't as bothered by the Colts winning as some people. You don't see a lot of bad weather Super Bowls, so that was interesting.
  • Best commercials? And yes, I often concentrate on surviving the work week. Only 32 hours left of this one.
  • My past favorite? This one right here.
  • If you can't beat them, join them. (I'm not applying, Mom, don't worry.)
  • MOA fun fact: They don't heat the darn thing (except near the doors). They rely on sunlight in the middle and the hustle and bustle of tourists.
  • I'm sure it's just a coincidence, but every time a report on global warming is released we seem to go through abnormaly cold weather. A request from the powers that be, if I may. Could someone book Al Gore to the Twin Cities in July? The FP Gal would appreciate it.
  • Cruise update, it looks like I can't do much more until April. More details to follow.


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