Oscar predictions

From the Strib found here. They set the odds like this:
Babel 1-1
Little Miss Sunshine 2-1
The Departed 3-1
Letters From Iwo Jima 6-1
The Queen 10-1

I'll be greatly surprised if 'Sunshine' wins it. Haven't seen the rest so I don't have any personal observations on them. I'm predicting...that this is the year that they give it to Scorsese. He's too good of a director to be shut out for his whole life. And none of the movies are obviously head and shoulders above the rest.
I probably have less rooting interest in these Oscars than any other recent year I can remember. Rooting for good montages mostly. And a good monolouge to begin with. And brief musical numbers.


DD4 said…
My vote goes to "The Queen."

Of those up for awards, I have seen "The Queen," "The Devil Wears Prada," "Little Miss Sunshine," and "Flight 93."

I am cheering for Helen Mirren and/or Meryl Steep for Best Actress.

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