NaNoWriMo advice
I've only got a few hours before the kickoff and I thought I'd share some advice: Find a regular time to write. Form a habit. Let other people in your house know that it's writing time and stick to it. Let loose. The more you ignore your inner editor the easier it'll be to get the word count in place. Find yourself off on a tangent? Explore it ! It might lead to gold that you otherwise never would have come across. Start with the idea in mind that no one else will read what you're writing. You can always change your mind later but this is the best way to start. It'll give you more freedom from external judgment. I write at night. Throughout the day I think about the scene(s) that I plan on writing. The drive home from work is especially good for this. Your daily goal is not 50,000 words. It starts out at 1667 and a regular writing plan should keep it right around there. Just get that in and you'll be fine. Enjoy what you're doing. You'r...