Long week

It's been a long one here on Walton's mountain. The FP Gal started back to night class and also had conferences. That meant I got to spend gobs of time parenting on my own. To be very clear, I've encouraged the FP Gal in both ventures and I'm glad she's doing them. That doesn't mean there isn't a downside.
Relia is becoming more and more adventurous every single day. She can climb on top of the coffee table and several different chairs. The couch is just a bit too high but it won't be long. She's also mastered the art of using other objects to boost her height. Is there anything better than toddlers balancing as high up as they can go? It has become something of a race to see what comes first, her cracked head or my heart attack.
She really really wants to talk but just doesn't have it figured out yet. She's communicating more and more (she goes to her high chair when hungry) but still can't tell us everything she needs. That leads to tantrums. Believe me, bedtime can't come too early somedays.
I was complaining to someone at work today about this and they said something like "Well, that's what you signed up for." True enough. I even knew that then. Of course there would be bad days. You know what? Never once did I sign anything that said I couldn't complain about those bad days. Not once. Never said that, never even thought it.
If I complained about this all the time that would be one thing but I don't. Usually she's very easy to watch. Even when she's not it's rare to go through this long of a stretch when the FP Gal isn't around to give me a hand.
Word to the wise, step carefully around fathers who look short on sleep and long on frayed nerves. Just nod sympathetically and mention that it'll get better. Keep in mind that we have access to dirty diapers.


MamaD4 said…
I know a lot of toddlers and none of them have had cracked skulls yet, so start taking your daily aspirin regimen!

Just think, she's not even a teenager yet :)

Hang in there. As a frequent single parent, I can assure you you'll make it through. Why not give yourself a pedicure or a facial to decompress?

Oh...well, it works for me!
Meigan said…
I think it's funny that your latest post is titled "Long Week" and FP Girl's post is "Long Ass Week". I think you guys had a long week!

And I hope you have a restful weekend planned!
Alfred T. Mahan said…
You see, THIS is what being an uncle is all about! Yes, children are a wonderful blessing in so many ways, but, as an uncle, I can rest assured that I can give Klara back to my sister at the end of our time together, with very little harm done (other than a Hannah Montana allergic reaction).

Still, you have my deep sympathies. Mostly.
Kate said…
You do know that it will pass, and that's the beauty of it all. In fact, I think you'll come in time to cherish these long, long nights you had with her. (Or you can send bad vibes to SD and tell me I'm totally off base there...)I'm the one that fills them with sugar and gets them all excited and then drops them back off at home. I'm a demon like that.
carrster said…

Good lord, on Sunday I wanted to find a little cabinet for Dahlia - it was a nightmarish day. And you're right we DID sign up for it, but we did NOT sign away our rights to feel frustrated, frazzled or at wit's end.

Hope things are going better now. Keep those dirty diapers handy for the next time someone makes a LAME comment.

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