Saturday, August 01, 2009

The Chair of Trouble

Even though she's gone today, I thought I'd share another Relia tidbit.

The FP Gal has a small white chair, maybe 16 inches high. It's absolutely the perfect size for our little girl. Normally it sits by our coffee table. Often she sits there and eats breakfast. It suits her perfectly.
Maybe too perfectly. It suffers from one problem. It wanders all over the house. That chair somehow moves from place to place and it leads our little angel into temptation. We call it 'The Chair of Trouble'.
We're trying to get the chair to stay in the living room. But it's a hard lesson to learn. Just the other day we saw it floating into the kitchen with our dear daughter trying valiantly to hold it in place. It somehow led her right to the licorice on the counter.
The Chair has been quiet this weekend. But we know it's only waiting. And when the time comes, it will go astray. Oh yes it will...


Kate said...

I was thinking it was going to be where she had to sit for a "time out." I like this purpose much, much better.

I am indeed, an instigator of trouble on all fronts.

Sarita said...

We're thinking of putting a bell on it.