Driving Advice

Yesterday as we were dropping Relia off she piped up from the backseat with some driving advice for Daddy. "Don't drive on the sidewalk!". Which was good advice. Not something I was particularly in danger of doing, but good advice none the less.


And I should tell you about the party. It was quite the shindig. A local hotel offered to host us. They offered free dinner and a $25 room for the night. It's hard to pass up a deal like that, especially for us married folks.
After dinner there was a DJ and encouragement for dancing. The FP Gal soon tired and went back to the room. That gave me an opportunity to just chat with some people that I'm often to tired to really talk with. Very nice.
This morning we slept in (7aish or so) and then went for our weekly walk at the MOA. Stuck around to try some shopping but didn't get anything. This beauty? $70, and worth at least half of that. Then we met the FP Gal's folks for lunch and regained custody of our little angel.
A very nice weekend.


Kate said…
Free dinner and 25 dollars a night? That's a no brainer!

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