Fun New TSA Policies!

In cabin singalong! This suggestion and more are at Fun with TSA. #5 is my favorite but I thought that this picture made more visual sense.
I'm happy to say that I haven't had any questions regarding the new TSA regulations. It would be hard for me to discuss them without contempt. Frankly, they're silly.
To begin with, they're unworkable. Forcing people to sit still for the last hour isn't a real solution to anything. Nor is keeping them out of the bathroom for that last hour. Anyone who has flown with children knows this. Anyone who has shared a plane with a sick person knows this.
The other problem is that they won't actually keep us safer. A seriously motivated person won't be deterred by these inconveniences. They'll simply adjust. Even worse, keeping everyone else seated drops the chance that other passengers (so far our only working defense) can actually act.
Well, it will take some time for the powers that be to figure this all out. In the meantime, there are worse ideas than bringing those song books...


Meigan said…
You know, I can't even laugh at this. I'm so livid about the security policies. Did you hear about the whole honey fiasco today??? Ugh.

I have gone through security with forgotten box cutters in my purse (for my job) more times than I can count. Yet I can't take my Starbuck's through to the terminal that doesn't serve coffee!!!! Killer on those early a.m. flights. Sigh.
Cellomama said…
I hear you. We are to fly to AZ in March, and I am already dreading trying to entertain the girls for that last hour. What the heck are we going to do?!?!

I suggested we drive there, but Pete says no way. I know it's a long drive, but that still might be easier.

Test said…
Ridiculous! How about the restrictions from Canada. Seriously. Have these people ever flown with children?

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