Playoffs - Super Bowl

Wanted to make sure I got this up before the Super Bowl today. Let's see . . . what? It's not until next week? You mean that after four months of getting folks used to football games once a week the NFL has decided to skip a week and screw up all of that rhythm?
Yep. That's exactly what they've decided. Well, they probably have a good reason. Let's see . . . huh? The extra week is to accommodate extra media coverage? You mean the overkill of media that has become the cliche of stupid interview questions ("what kind of tree would you be", etc.). It's a good thing we have an extra week for that! As a plus, fans of both the Saints and the Colts just had a week off three weeks ago.
Well, there is one game today. The NFL has decided to stop showing games in beautiful Hawaii so that we can see south Florida. The winner of the game gets absolutely nothing and everyone simply hopes there are no injuries.
I guess for tribal reasons, I'll pick the NFC. The coin refuses to play.


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