Baseball is almost here...

And I'm about to watch 'Bull Durham' with the FP Gal. If you haven't seen this before, treat yourself.

Update: Just a few thoughts after watching it again more freshly
  • This movie is now 22 years old, which is shocking and depressing on a number of levels.
  • Tim Robbins, pretty-boy athletic stud. Yep. Sure. We can buy that. If they remade this (and I'm not for a second suggesting that they do) this mistake would be at the top of the list to fix.
  • Susan Sarandon, on the other hand, could not be sexier than in this movie.
  • What sells this film is the combination of gritty minor league baseball and the stylish sophistication of Annie Savoy. It also has a good beat and you can dance to it.
  • In fact, the soundtrack deserves mention. Plenty of great 50's music that serves to both date Durham and highlight the appeal of a more relaxed small town life.
  • Still a great movie.


carrster said…
One of my all time favorite movies. and yes, SO depressing that it's 22 years old! how did that happeN?!?

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