Beef Cookies

About a month ago we were eating beef stir fry. Well, the FP Gal and I were, Relia was dawdling. She ate all of the veggies but wouldn't eat the beef. She proudly declared that she didn't like it.
The next day we went grocery shopping at a local supermarket. The store has been selling generic fudge sandwich cookies for a very good price/mass ratio. As I picked up a package, Relia saw me and wanted to know what it was. I'm very protective of my snack foods. I told her they were 'beef cookies'.
At first she didn't want any. But then there was a small sample and she discovered the truth. Or at least part of it. She knows that she likes them but doesn't know that it's fudge. She still wants the beef cookies.


Kate said…
You created a monster.
Hans said…
Beef Cookies is Rachel's pet name for me.
Peder said…
Rachel, please do everything in your power to make that nickname stick.
Meigan said…
I made my own dog treats out of liverwurst - they are little cookies. My FIL ate one by accident last visit.

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