Bike Wear
Most days I drive near the Minnehaha creek on the parkway. Nice weather brings out the bicyclists. And they are hardcore. That means lots of professional looking biking outfits. And wow, are they horrible looking!
Seriously, each one looks like they lost badly at paintball. Loud colors and splotchy patterns. Primary shapes and who knows what. Who decided that form fitting sports wear had to look so awful?

This question led me to do some google searching which led me to this number here. A bit of formal wear kind of spruces up a look, doesn't it? Why isn't this more popular?
Seriously, each one looks like they lost badly at paintball. Loud colors and splotchy patterns. Primary shapes and who knows what. Who decided that form fitting sports wear had to look so awful?

This question led me to do some google searching which led me to this number here. A bit of formal wear kind of spruces up a look, doesn't it? Why isn't this more popular?
Amusingly, this is enjoyed by the engineers with whome I work today. They also agree with its premise.