Not Waiting . . . Yet
We've crossed the magic 38 week barrier. When Felix arrives he'll be full term. In theory he could come at any moment. We've got the bag packed and could be out the door pretty darn fast if we needed to. But we're not really expecting anything yet.
You may recall that last time we went 49 weeks. Ok, 42 weeks but after the due date passes you start counting in dog days. So it felt like 49 weeks. And truth to tell that's about what I'm expecting this time around too.
In fact, it's worse than that. We had a scheduled induction before. We have literally no experience with sudden water-breaking. Or fighting traffic to get into the hospital. All of this will be new for us. Except that I'm pretty certain we'll have to schedule for this again.
Which will be ok. Everything really worked out well for us last time. It was low pressure. Things happened in a comfortable fashion. And it would give us time to easily figure out who will watch Relia.
So . . . anytime, I guess.
You may recall that last time we went 49 weeks. Ok, 42 weeks but after the due date passes you start counting in dog days. So it felt like 49 weeks. And truth to tell that's about what I'm expecting this time around too.
In fact, it's worse than that. We had a scheduled induction before. We have literally no experience with sudden water-breaking. Or fighting traffic to get into the hospital. All of this will be new for us. Except that I'm pretty certain we'll have to schedule for this again.
Which will be ok. Everything really worked out well for us last time. It was low pressure. Things happened in a comfortable fashion. And it would give us time to easily figure out who will watch Relia.
So . . . anytime, I guess.