Random Sunday Night Stuff

Been awhile since I've done one of these:
  • If Relia started a blog it would be called 'Big Pink Tap Shoes'. Which I think is still available. The girl could not be more in love with the color pink. She wants a pink birthday and a pink Christmas.
  • As far as I can tell, Christmas only comes in White, Green and Blue. But I'm open to correction.
  • I mentioned the Lost Booker contest a while back. Well, I read three of the six and happily cast my vote for 'Fire from Heaven' by Mary Renault. It's very fine historical fiction telling about the childhood of Alexander the Great. Which is a tough trick since the only sources available are quotes of quotes some time after he died. Very, very well done.
  • We've had a gloriously drizzly weekend. Very fine sleeping weather (once bedtime actually happens!). Don't know how much longer it'll go but I'm enjoying it for now.
  • That's all!


Kate said…
Christmas can TOO be pink!
j said…
Would you like to add RED as a Christmas option?

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