Cell Phones

The other day while driving Relia home from preschool I mentioned to her that back when I was young, we couldn't keep phones in our pocket. They were bigger and has to be plugged into the wall. (We still have one like that so she had at least seen this obsolete technology.)

Relia: Why didn't you just unplug them?
Me: They wouldn't have worked if we unplugged them.
Relia: (pause) Well that's stupid.

Cell phones are great, I have no doubts about that. They've given us freedom and connectivity that was simply unavailable back when I was a kid. We use them all the time to casually separate at the mall, comfortable in the knowledge that finding each other will be easy. I can call from the grocery store to get guidance on where they've hidden various things that the FP Gal wants. We can easily call for help if something happens to the car.
I'm not sure how we'll handle the cell revolution when the kids get old enough to use them. Do they get their own to call their friends with? Or do they borrow mom and dad's phones? Neither of those sound good.
I guess we have a few years to figure it out . . .


Chris said…
I was adamantly anti-cell phone for kids until recently. Now that Nick is 9 and getting around more, it's starting to make sense for him to have a phone so I can get in touch with him or he can call if he needs us. At this point the phone would be simple and only for talking to mom and dad.
DD4 said…
Trust me, by the time Aurelia and Felix are 10 or 11, the technology probably will have changed (advanced) and our cell phones, as we now know them, will be obsolete.

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