The Dress Battle

For the last two mornings I've put DF in the car while Relia screams bloody murder from the front porch. What horrible thing has caused this? It's simple. I've made her wear pants. Yep, pants. Pants, pants, pants, pants. It's 2011 and my daughter is convinced that she needs to wear glamorous clothes or no one will like her. It's like the feminist movement never happened!


Kate said…
Must I continually remind you that she is exactly like me? I told my kindergarten teacher that my mother made me wear dresses and I told my mother that girls HAD to wear dresses to kindergarten. Yes. In Minnesota. When it was 40 below. Get used to it, my friend. GIVE HER DRESSES.
Sarita said…
Kate, please keep reminding us. It is reassuring.
Cellomama said…
Will she let you do pants if she has a dress on? That was the compromise I reached with Kate. No shirts - dresses over leggings or jeans or chinos. But as long as there was a dress it was OK.
Peder said…
I wasn't clear in the post but the pants are for wearing underneath a dress. The only time that I even try going without a dress is when we're forced to by laundry.

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