Toddling Around

DF is getting more and more brave about walking. He started out by only doing it when we forced him to move without our help. Then we got to the point where we could coax him to voluntarily walk back and forth from one of us to the other. Now he is actually choosing to walk over to things like tables and chairs. Not all of the time . . . but he's getting there.
Today he choose to use his new power to knock over a pile of cardboard bricks that Relia had stacked up. We tried to calm her by saying that he was just being Godzilla. Of course, she had no clue what we were talking about. (And upon reflection, exactly why did we think that would be calming?) She's just starting to learn that little brothers aren't always fun.
Still sick here at home, nothing really serious. My cold is nagging it's way into week four by now and I'm really tired of it. DF has decided that he isn't going to sleep at all tonight (boo!).
At least it will be spring in the next six to eight weeks.


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