Meta Blog Post
I've been looking back over the last few months of this blog and I'm not really thrilled with the content. Neither the amount nor the quality. I think there are a couple of things that are playing into that.
- Kids. Two kids take up sooooo much more of my creative time than one did. That's especially true with DF. Months ago he always needed watching but didn't need a lot of hands on care, now not so much.
- Other media. I have so much trouble figuring out whether to post something here, on Facebook or at Twitter. Quite often this means that the post simply disappears into the back of my head never to be seen again. I've got some ideas on how to fix this. The first step is to admit that it's happening.
- Lack of feedback. I'm not sure what happened but it seems like my audience went silent about four months ago. I don't know how many people still visit the blog on a regular basis, though I know that the number is down. Looking around at my blog tree, it seems like quite a few dry spells out there. Has the blogging moment passed?
- Blah weather. Yep, this winter is getting to me. I could easily dash off an 'I hate winter' post every morning. No one (myself included) would want to actually read them. Some spring weather would improve my mood quite a bit.
Anyway, I'm trying to figure out some blog things. Any questions or suggestions would be welcome.
It makes us all feel connected to hear about what goes on in the world of Peder, Sarah and the kids.
We also get to see and hear how the kids are growing up and changing and also what you are up to.
Keep up the great job, Peder.
Keep writing, people are still reading! I love being so 'in touch' with your guys' life!
Love from your biggest fan, Mom