
While driving to preschool today . . .

Relia: Sometimes I get owies on my hand.
Me: Yep, we all do.
Relia: There was that one time with the kitty box that I got hurt!
Me: But you're fine now, right? You can't feel it anymore.
Relia: Right.
Me: We all get hurt a little bit now and then, but we get better.
Relia: (pause) When they put me in jail it hurts my feelings.
Me: (not sure what to say) When they put you in jail . . .?
Relia: They don't usually put me in jail. (long pause) Only in stories.


Kate said…
Have you been reading her my blog, or what?
Peder said…
Kate, right after this she talked about how Captain Hook should have been put in jail.
carrster said…
Ha! She says the funniest things. I love it.
Meigan said…
Kate - that's what I thought!

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