While in the car going to preschool today and talking about dinosaurs. . .
Me: Is a pterodactyl bigger than a robin?
Relia: Yes! (pause) Robins have red tummies.
Me: Very good!
Relia: I'm a . . . bird expert. [I swear this is what she said.]
Me: Wow, you sure are. Did you know that robins are Grandma D's favorite bird?
Relia: I didn't know that.
Me: And that one of the surest signs of springs are when the robins return.
Relia: . . .
Me: They fly south in the fall, like so many other birds.
Relia: The ostriches walk south.
I love, love, love the idea of big migrations of ostriches wandering south from Minnesota and down through Iowa and Missouri. As I told this story to the FP Gal tonight Relia started a long story about the ostrich family reunion when millions of ostriches gather together and have cake.
Me: Is a pterodactyl bigger than a robin?
Relia: Yes! (pause) Robins have red tummies.
Me: Very good!
Relia: I'm a . . . bird expert. [I swear this is what she said.]
Me: Wow, you sure are. Did you know that robins are Grandma D's favorite bird?
Relia: I didn't know that.
Me: And that one of the surest signs of springs are when the robins return.
Relia: . . .
Me: They fly south in the fall, like so many other birds.
Relia: The ostriches walk south.
I love, love, love the idea of big migrations of ostriches wandering south from Minnesota and down through Iowa and Missouri. As I told this story to the FP Gal tonight Relia started a long story about the ostrich family reunion when millions of ostriches gather together and have cake.
Aurelia - you are precious! I'm so glad your daddy is writing down the clever things you say.