A Good Day for Ducks
Woke up this morning to a nice steady drizzle. This is, you may know, my favorite type of day. Got the kids ready to go with only the ordinary amount of fighting (please, put your pants on right now!). And then took them out to the car.
My winter routine for this was to have Relia stay on the porch while I got DF into his car seat. Then back for her and away we'd go. Now that the snow is gone and she can actually get to the car without climbing over the white stuff, we usually all go at once. Not today. So I only had DF to worry about as we went to the car.
My hat had a brim, his hod didn't so he got rained on. Which he thought was the weirdest thing ever! He gave me a look that said, "daddy, are we sure about this?". When I stopped at daycare the wind was positioned perfectly to blow rain on him as I got him out. Same look.
DF, my luck duck, this is one of life's lessons. Sometimes it rains.
My winter routine for this was to have Relia stay on the porch while I got DF into his car seat. Then back for her and away we'd go. Now that the snow is gone and she can actually get to the car without climbing over the white stuff, we usually all go at once. Not today. So I only had DF to worry about as we went to the car.
My hat had a brim, his hod didn't so he got rained on. Which he thought was the weirdest thing ever! He gave me a look that said, "daddy, are we sure about this?". When I stopped at daycare the wind was positioned perfectly to blow rain on him as I got him out. Same look.
DF, my luck duck, this is one of life's lessons. Sometimes it rains.