State Facts (from Preschool!)
I thought you might enjoy to learn along with us as Relia is taught the U.S. states. She only goes three days a week so there are some gaps in her map. And some days we forgot to ask her. Ready?
- Rhode Island - the red colored state. Where the inator of some kind of cloth was from. (Me: 'Inator'? Relia: Yes, inator. Me: Inventor? Relia: Yes, that's it.) Also, it is small.
- Massachusetts - the white colored state next to it. (There was some process of elimination involved here.)
- New York - Where the Statue of Liberty is.
- Pennsylvania - Some state with a bell.
- Florida - the one with all of the alligators.
- Louisiana - the state where they eat alligators. (Me: Did you know they have lots of pelicans there? Relia: Hahahahahaha!)
- Illinois - Where they have a museum with a T-Rex named Sue.
- Iowa - They have lots of corn. They sell it to us!
- Arkansas - The capital city is a rock. They have bad kings here who shoot cannonballs at people. They also have good kings who ask for permission before shooting cannonballs. (And no, I have no idea whatsoever what the deal with kings and cannonballs is.)
- Candace (aka Kansas) - They have corn and wheat here. And cowboys!
- Oklahoma - The one next to it. They have cowboys who shoot bad guys.
- Texas - It's very big. (I can't make up my mind if Texans would be upset with the brevity of this description or really, really pleased.)
- California - Also big. Nana has been here!
- North Dakota - It's cold and windy here. (Relia: Should we go there? Me: [horrified] No! No!)
- Alaska - Yes, dad, I know that it's the biggest state in the union.
- Hawaii - Where she wants to live with her boat where she has promised to take me to various ports.
Smart kid!