State Facts (from Preschool!)

I thought you might enjoy to learn along with us as Relia is taught the U.S. states. She only goes three days a week so there are some gaps in her map. And some days we forgot to ask her. Ready?
  • Rhode Island - the red colored state. Where the inator of some kind of cloth was from. (Me: 'Inator'? Relia: Yes, inator. Me: Inventor? Relia: Yes, that's it.) Also, it is small.
  • Massachusetts - the white colored state next to it. (There was some process of elimination involved here.)
  • New York - Where the Statue of Liberty is.
  • Pennsylvania - Some state with a bell.
  • Florida - the one with all of the alligators.
  • Louisiana - the state where they eat alligators. (Me: Did you know they have lots of pelicans there? Relia: Hahahahahaha!)
  • Illinois - Where they have a museum with a T-Rex named Sue.
  • Iowa - They have lots of corn. They sell it to us!
  • Arkansas - The capital city is a rock. They have bad kings here who shoot cannonballs at people. They also have good kings who ask for permission before shooting cannonballs. (And no, I have no idea whatsoever what the deal with kings and cannonballs is.)
  • Candace (aka Kansas) - They have corn and wheat here. And cowboys!
  • Oklahoma - The one next to it. They have cowboys who shoot bad guys.
  • Texas - It's very big. (I can't make up my mind if Texans would be upset with the brevity of this description or really, really pleased.)
  • California - Also big. Nana has been here!
  • North Dakota - It's cold and windy here. (Relia: Should we go there? Me: [horrified] No! No!)
  • Alaska - Yes, dad, I know that it's the biggest state in the union.
  • Hawaii - Where she wants to live with her boat where she has promised to take me to various ports.
More updates as we learn more.


Meigan said…
Metaphorically she must be speaking of some buyers at Walmart headquarters. I have certainly dodged some cannonballs down there.

Smart kid!
carrster said…
ha- that is fantastic!
Alfred T. Mahan said…
I chuckled at both Texas and NoDak. Most entertaining.

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