This Afternoon
It's been warm enough lately for visits to the park but this afternoon it was cool and spitting rain so we went to the MOA instead. Yeah, I know, this is shocking. When I picked up Relia at preschool she quickly asked me if we could go to the mall and it was nice to be able to say yes.
Sometimes I wish I could film our short drives to and from preschool. That's where she says the best stuff. Lately they've been learning about U.S. states, two per day. It's always a challenge to figure out which ones they studied. The description usually starts off with something like "it was a green one". One of today's states was North Dakota and she told me that it is windy and cold there. I can't agree more.
It was kind of slow out at the MOA. Most of the spring breakers are gone and this isn't a big retail time. That meant that we could take our time at the newly renovated aquarium. In fact, it was quiet enough that I got DF out of the stroller and let him walk. Which he loved. So many different surfaces to walk on and touch. Meanwhile Relia drove the stroller and became upset if Daddy tried to help her steer. Fortunately there were no casualties.
We spent some good time at the play area there. Relia quickly adopted a younger girl and after a brief argument they amicably decided that they were both queens. Meanwhile DF picked up a couple of college girls. It was his winning smile of course.
He just might be a heartbreaker when he's older.
Sometimes I wish I could film our short drives to and from preschool. That's where she says the best stuff. Lately they've been learning about U.S. states, two per day. It's always a challenge to figure out which ones they studied. The description usually starts off with something like "it was a green one". One of today's states was North Dakota and she told me that it is windy and cold there. I can't agree more.
It was kind of slow out at the MOA. Most of the spring breakers are gone and this isn't a big retail time. That meant that we could take our time at the newly renovated aquarium. In fact, it was quiet enough that I got DF out of the stroller and let him walk. Which he loved. So many different surfaces to walk on and touch. Meanwhile Relia drove the stroller and became upset if Daddy tried to help her steer. Fortunately there were no casualties.
We spent some good time at the play area there. Relia quickly adopted a younger girl and after a brief argument they amicably decided that they were both queens. Meanwhile DF picked up a couple of college girls. It was his winning smile of course.
He just might be a heartbreaker when he's older.