
Relia: We should put pictures on the house.
Me: Pictures?
Relia: Yes!
Me: Like what.
Relia: (without pause for thinking) Of Nana's arthritis!

So if you pull up to our curb and see some hands with red lightning near the knuckles, you'll now know the rest of the story.

And one more story about this subject? A few months back Relia was talking about arthritis and she stopped to tell me that it was 'our-thritis' because it can be a problem for everyone.


Meigan said…
I love these "overheard" and "car conversations" so much. I have about 3 from my kids this week but when I put them on my blog they weren't nearly as funny or cute as Relia's.

That girl must really crack you up.
Peder said…
Meigan, she really does. I just can't believe the funny stuff she says.

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