Bumper Car Ban

This story surfaced a while back but I forgot to write about it then. So instead you get a Sunday evening tale.

A popular resort in the UK has changed the rules on their bumper cars:

Managers at all three of its famous seaside resorts have issued the crazy edict insisting guests drive safely and avoid all contact.

Now holidaymakers are supposed to drive calmly round the track in one direction, following each other and overtaking only when there is enough room to do so.

Bemused customers at the sites in Bognor Regis, Minehead and Skegness have described the ride as an "exitless roundabout".

I don't know what bit of craziness led to this but I'm guessing it was fear of lawsuits. If Nigel hits Benny too hard then you hold the resort at fault or something like that. In a more reasonable age, we'd assume that anyone who voluntarily rode bumper cars was doing it so they could hit and be hit.
This brings to mind my one and only encounter with bumper cars in Scotland, way back in '91*. We went to some kind of county fair type arrangement. I fought sickness on the tilt-a-whirl but it was a close thing and I won't go on them anymore.
But my favorite was the bumper cars. I gleefully got in and started looking for targets, of which there were many. After I got a couple of hits in I realized that I was the only one doing any bumping. The rest were driving in a nice circle.
That threw some kind of switch in me and a fairly maniacal laugh escaped. I was a wolf in the fold and no shepherd in sight. After a bit a couple of boys (younger than me) got into the spirit and returned the hits to me. All in good fun. As to the rest . . . I like to think that their nightmares are still filled with that crazy Yank with the long flowing hair.

*On the 4th of July it will have been twenty years that we took that trip. This is completely and utterly impossible and I'd like to see a receipt for all of the intervening years.


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