Father's Day

A happy Father's day to my dad first of all. We were down in Austin yesterday and got to see him for a few minutes. He chased the kids for a bit (as is his wont) and it was very pleasant.
Most of the trip was spent with Mom, well, nearly all of it and that was very nice too. She has planned a trip and the FP Gal wanted the rest of us out of the house so it all worked out well. We stopped at the cemetery so we could see the card catalog that she'll eventually be using. (Btw, the kids love to wander there around and sometimes on top of the stones. I suppose this is common enough but I'll admit that it freaks me out a bit.)
Lunch was at the Tendermaid. The FP Gal was pretty actively jealous that we got to go there. It's not the least bit toddler friendly and eating was not easy. But it was yummy and we made it. Later we went to the A&W where they had high chairs, tables and (yipee!) frosty mugs of root beer. That worked out better.

The FP Gal gave me a very nice gift this morning. She took the kids and let me have a few hours to do whatever I wanted. I went and got bagels and then off to Half Price Books. I got this book here and I've been pecking at it today. Very good!
The kids are finally in bed and asleep. DF did his best to remind me that I'm a parent tonight. He's going through a really difficult evening phase. Tonight he took more than an hour of work to finally settle. Ugh.
But even with that, let me say that I have wonderful kids and I'm glad that I have them!


DD4 said…
Happy Father's Day, Peder! I enjoyed spending the day with you, Aurelia and Felix yesterday. You have great kids, and I think you're a fantastic father.

Your humor cracks me up - the "card catalog." I actually think it looks more like a mail box. I'm seriously considering this inscription be added: Return to sender!
carrster said…
Happy Father's Day! Sounds like it was a really nice day. :)

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