
While driving this morning Relia and I had a disagreement about the headband she wanted to wear. She thought 'no one will like me if I don't wear it', while I thought 'I'd like one day of people not pointing at us while I sheepishly explain that she dressed herself'. Anyway, the argument raged on until it hit this roadblock:

Me: You are not wearing that out of this car and that's final.
Relia: Yes I am!
Me: No you're not!
Relia: Uh-huh!
Me: Nuh-uh!
Relia: Uh-huh!
Me: (deciding that I was done arguing)
Relia: Uh-huh!
Me: . . .
Relia: UH-HUH!
Me: . . .
Relia: Daddy! (pause) You need to say 'nuh-uh'!

Note: she did not wear the headband.


DD4 said…
Oh, my! Perhaps you should lead her to a career in litigating!
Pat said…
This post is right up there for being one of my favorites. LOL really a lot. Loved it!!

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