
A very brave robin has started hanging out in our backyard. I don't know if it's a mommy staying near younglings or what but the robin bop bops around on the ground. The kids can be fairly near without him/her flying off.
Today I suggested that Relia name the Robin. (The FP Gal is afraid that I am turning into my mom.) The conversation went like this:

Me: Relia, what should the robin's name be?
Relia: Cathy. [This has been her go-to name for some time now.]
Me: No. You just named your toy pony that and it would be too confusing if they had the same name.
Relia: What about Ni Hao Kai-Lan? [Name of a kid show that I can't stand.]
Me: No, that wouldn't be a good name for our robin.
Relia: (pause) What about Field Guide?
Me: 'Field Guide'?
Relia: Yes, Field Guide!
Me: Ok.

So we now have a robin named 'Field Guide' living in our backyard.


DD4 said…
That is too funny!
Kate said…
Sounds perfect to me!
carrster said…
haha! Awesome!

Dahlia often names things that I cannot re-pronounce & she can't remember. Dang, when I was a kid everything was named "herman" it was easier that way!
Pat said…
Ha! Ha! Ha! Turning into your mom? Like you said before you are about 18 sets of dishes away. Not to worry.

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