It was an active day here on Walton mountain. Or at least it seemed that way. There was lots of running around and playing in pools and swinging on swings and once Shiva, Destroyer of Kitchens was done with her work we even went out to eat. (The destroyed kitchen makes going out an easier sell.)
Once nice thing with the long summer days is that we can usually run Relia hard enough that she conks out pretty quickly once in bed. Twice this week the FP Gal has carried her in asleep from the car and put her right down for the night. Tonight wasn't quite that easy but it wasn't at all hard.
Well before 9p they were both asleep and we had the night to ourselves. We fired up the Netflix and started watching 'The Third Man'. She said she was up for some Hitchcock and I quickly said "this is Hitchcock-esque" and started it. I'm always afraid of pushing her to see movies because I have a tendency to oversell them. This time I hit the right balance and she simply got to watch and enjoy. Best of all, and one of the finest compliments you can give a movie, she got into it.
Afterwards we sat on the back step and watched the full moon for a bit. If the bugs hadn't started tasting me, we'd probably still be there. What a perfectly good ending to a wonderful run of the mill summer day.
Once nice thing with the long summer days is that we can usually run Relia hard enough that she conks out pretty quickly once in bed. Twice this week the FP Gal has carried her in asleep from the car and put her right down for the night. Tonight wasn't quite that easy but it wasn't at all hard.
Well before 9p they were both asleep and we had the night to ourselves. We fired up the Netflix and started watching 'The Third Man'. She said she was up for some Hitchcock and I quickly said "this is Hitchcock-esque" and started it. I'm always afraid of pushing her to see movies because I have a tendency to oversell them. This time I hit the right balance and she simply got to watch and enjoy. Best of all, and one of the finest compliments you can give a movie, she got into it.
Afterwards we sat on the back step and watched the full moon for a bit. If the bugs hadn't started tasting me, we'd probably still be there. What a perfectly good ending to a wonderful run of the mill summer day.