Half of a Cookbook

Last week the FP Gal got wind of a garage sale all the way up in Mahtomedi, one that was at least partially run by my cousin Pat. She was gone when we got there so I tried to 'put an offer down' on the Patty wagon. No sale, of course. Eventually she did show up and we got to spend some very nice time together.
I only made one purchase at the garage sale, a cookbook. I'm on the search for recipes that I can make and these were all single page endeavors so I thought I'd give it a look. And it was only 50 cents. A deal!
The book is set up like a three ring binder, each page is a single recipe and each page is removable. As we drove home I thumbed through it. There was a section on sauces and condiments and it only had two pages in it. I mentioned this to the FP Gal and wondered why they bothered making a whole section for two pages. She asked me if some of the pages were missing.
Yeah, yeah they were. I only had recipes #4 and #19. That means (at least) seventeen recipes were missing. From that section alone. Perusing the rest of the book, half to two thirds of it is not there.
The FP Gal asked me if we needed to go back and get my 50 cents back. With gas prices as they are, it didn't make sense. Now I'll never know how to make the Creative Cooking version of 'Chicken and Broccoli Casserole'.

Boy, the ladies of Mahtomedi sure saw me coming . . .


DD4 said…
I'll bet Pat would refund your fifty cents.
Pat said…
What a shame. I don't do cookbooks any more. Any thing I want to make I find on the internet. I will have to find out if it was Kris or Laurel's. I will refund your 50 cents from their profits. Loved seeing you guys at the garage sale. I was surprised to say the least.
Peder said…
Pat, there is no need for a refund. Thanks anyway and it was great to see you too!
Kate said…
If you want recipes, I'm all about that. I have simple and complex and can hook you up! Kid friendly and easy.

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