Moon Sailing

My work office is up on the third floor. The desk faces a south window. The view is of the top of our neighbor's house and their tree and a bit of sky. The last couple of nights the moon has sailed into view, wandered through the branches of the tree and then off to wherever it goes.

Quite lovely!

Oh, and I should mention that I used a thunderstorm to put Relia to bed the other night. She was having trouble sleeping on Sunday. The FP Gal and I had both been up to her room several times. Then we heard thunder and our house let out it's goose call that means strong winds. I went up to her room and suggested that she pull her curtain back and watch the lightning. That was the last we heard from her that night.

I can remember many a night back in Austin when I had trouble sleeping and watched big storms roll through. Waiting for the flashes of light is hypnotic (or something). Anyway, it worked.

Now if only we could have those storms more often . . .


DD4 said…
I love looking at the moon as well. Perhaps you should consider a machine with sounds such as thunder, to have playing at night in Aurelia's room.

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