The War on Bedtime

We've entered a new phase in DF's childhood. He is now old enough to start fighting against bed time. Good Lord, I hate this phase. We've had exactly one easy night this week in putting him down for the night. That was on Monday when we kept him up extra late while we waited for fireworks.
Meanwhile, Relia hasn't been any easier. Her crisis has been in the afternoon though. There comes a time when she desperately needs a nap and we go through some hard decisions as to whether or not to let her take one or not.
If she doesn't take it then she becomes very difficult to be around. If she does take it then bedtime is horrendous. As a bonus she wakes up with the disposition of a nightmare. Seriously, I'm convinced that 'the Exorcist' was inspired by a three year old girl who needed a nap.

Ugh. Looking forward to being past this.


Pat said…
Wish I had some answers on how to make this easier. The only thing I can say from experience is "this too shall pass." Hate to say that I enjoyed this post but I will anyway. Yeh--I know--easy for me--not for you guys.
Kate said…
I don't know what to tell you. But just know I am thinking about you. If you think she knows me enough, call me and I'll sing to her. Might be novel enough to woo her to sleep.

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