Random Home Updates
Let's try this format:
- Relia is home from her overnight with Grandma D. She is demanding her ballet outfit and asking questions at a rate of 5000 QPH. I don't know if we need a nanny but sometimes I wish we employed someone to simply answer her questions.
- The DF is taking a good afternoon nap. He has a molar coming in so his overnight sleeping has been a bit iffy. (No big complaints there. We've been very lucky in this regard.)
- The FP Gal is painting my childhood piano. The wood grain is the wrong tone for our house. It somehow clashes with our wooden floors, panels, etc. So she is painting it black.
- I've had a bit of a nap myself. Necessary since I have to work tonight. But . . . that deserves a post of itself.
- It is still hot here. Sunny, hot and humid. This is turning into my least favorite summer for weather ever. Follows my least favorite winter. Guh.