New Words
DF has added one big new word: Noooooooo . . . !
The tone is more playful than negative. And he really doesn't have a feel for what it means. For instance, he uses it when he actually does want bread. It is awfully fun.
I don't know if I've mentioned it but he also is very generous with 'Hi!' when confronting strangers. Just like his sister. They are quite the tandem.
The tone is more playful than negative. And he really doesn't have a feel for what it means. For instance, he uses it when he actually does want bread. It is awfully fun.
I don't know if I've mentioned it but he also is very generous with 'Hi!' when confronting strangers. Just like his sister. They are quite the tandem.
Do you want to put spaghetti in your hair? (big grin) Nooooooo.