Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Top Five March Movies

Once again with the movies, this time with March. Spring is tough for this. There just aren't many movies out there that scream spring. Or at least not many that connect with what I think of with spring. Per usual, any comments and suggestions are welcome.

Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind - Ok, this is still a winter movie. But March (at least up here in Minnesota) is still a winter month. Great love story, fascinating visuals, easily the best Jim Carey movie.

Waking Ned Devine - In honor of St Patrick's day, here is my favorite Irish movie. A man in a small Irish village wins the lottery. Unfortunately the shock of it kills him. The rest of the village decides to pretend that he is still alive so they can split the money.

Hoosiers - March also brings us basketball tournaments and this is the best basketball movie around. Shivers and chills, the whole thing.

Fiddler on the Roof - Not sure why I associate this with March. I know sometimes Passover falls there but not all that often. Did it used to be on TV every March or something? Anyway, it's a great musical and quibbling shouldn't stop it from being watched here.

Lord of the Rings trilogy - I'll admit that this is a personal choice and may not tie into March very well. I told you that Spring is tough! Maybe it's the combination of long nights and cabin fever or something but for some reason it feels right to load these up in March.

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