The Verdict - 1982
Never had heard of this movie before. And now it can go back to the mists of time. Utterly forgettable. It stars Paul Newman (who does a fine acting job) as a lawyer who has crawled into the bottle and become an ambulance chaser. Almost literally. The movie opens with him crashing funerals to try and get clients.
Then a friend of his flips a good case in his lap. Can he overcome his alcholism and win? Can he redeem himself? Will this unfold in an entertaining manner?
The answers are yes, maybe and no.
Just about any episode of Law and Order is better than this. The case isn't interesting. The pacing is slow. There's only one twist of interest. And at the end, you don't feel like you've learned anything or been affected in any real way. It's not even a bad movie, just really O.K. Better movies than this from 1982 are 'Das Boot', 'Blade Runner' and probably dozens of others.
Then a friend of his flips a good case in his lap. Can he overcome his alcholism and win? Can he redeem himself? Will this unfold in an entertaining manner?
The answers are yes, maybe and no.
Just about any episode of Law and Order is better than this. The case isn't interesting. The pacing is slow. There's only one twist of interest. And at the end, you don't feel like you've learned anything or been affected in any real way. It's not even a bad movie, just really O.K. Better movies than this from 1982 are 'Das Boot', 'Blade Runner' and probably dozens of others.