
The FP Gal left a nice newsy post on her blog today. Most of it's about our finances and whatnot. But buried within is this little nugget,
I made an appointment to get my first ever professional massage (gift from Rachel W.) I'm told it will become an addiction.
The FP Gal and I met online back in 2004. My tag was 'Sweetest Guy You'll Ever Meet'. Don't laugh, it worked. Anyway, inside of my bio I added that I was a 'champion backrubber'. This was a bit of fib. I give good backrubs, but they've never been recognized by any kind of judging body. (Er, by 'judging body' I mean a group of people who make judgments.)
Well, the backrubs were used more often in the early part of the relationship, I'm sad to say. They don't happen often enough anymore. In fact, she's now looking for outside help with them. I take this as a direct challenge to my skills. Next, she'll find someone else to hog the TV watching baseball and old movies. I can only hope that some of my other redeeming qualities will keep her around.
(BTW, the secret to a goood backrub? Mix in a good back scratch.)


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