Online dating

As I mentioned, the FP Gal and I met online. We both feel it's a good method when it works well. Seems it didn't work out well for this guy (h/t Corner). Wow, I can only feel pity for any girl that he finally does end up with.


MamaD4 said…
I would have deleted him the minute I read the word "Hampton's". Egregious overuse of apostrophes is an enormous turnoff for me. Actually, I had an e-mail (on Match) from a guy who claimed he worked in a "mail-dominated" industry. I don't think he was a postman, delete! Hans' e-mail was absolutely perfect. No punctuation or grammatical errors. That's entirely why I chose him! Well, that and his picture was devestatingly handsome! God bless!
carrster said…
Ay yi yi....My "favorite" Match emails were from guys who liked to take shirtless pictures of themselves - ??? And also those that were in to Nascar, ATVing, hunting and hanging out at bars...Did they READ my profile? Sheesh....thankfully there was Steve. :)
Peder said…
I kept getting emails from women with children even though I'd marked that I wasn't looking for that arrangement. Not quite as bad as getting emails from girls into hunting, Nascar, etc. And no shirtless pics either.
And Rachel, you're right about punctuation and spelling. It's a turn off for me too. Good thing my sweetie is good at that kind of thing. Pretty good over all, really.
MamaD4 said…
Yeah, Hans and I joked around via e-mail about that when we first met. I remember saying that I was glad that his picture was normal (if you consider a picture of Hans SMILING to be normal) and not a picture of him shirtless and sitting on the hood of his Fiero. I got a lot of older men, too, not that I've got a problem with that, but when I've set my limit at 35, hello--55 years old is nowhere close to 35! C'mon, people!
MamaD4 said…
Actually, the thought of Hans shirtless on the hood of a Fiero is really making me bust up this morning...! I probably wouldn't have dated him if he had a Fiero anyway, because (as he can also admit to) I am a huge car snob. I don't need a Mercedes, but I couldn't handle say, a Firebird, Camaro or Fiero. Yuck. VW is just about perfect. Can you tell that I miss Hans? I have to come and comment everyday about him. Sniff.
carrster said…
Oh yes...I got the 50+ guys too (my limit was 38 I believe)...Um....YOU'RE AS OLD AS MY DAD and that was just not cool.

Agreed that spelling and punctuation is very important. ESPECIALLY when it is in your profile!! doh

Wow - look at us 3 (well 2 married, 1 nearly married) Match success stories on one blog. Who knew?

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