Baby gifts

Found a package on our porch yesterday morning as I was leaving for work. Apparently I walked past it Tuesday night coming home. Quickly called to the FP Gal and we opened up to find that my dear sister had sent us some gifts! She gave us:
  • White Sox baby clothes
  • Some toy blocks with a White Sox theme
  • A gift certificate for a spa
  • The Davinci Code
  • A sock monkey counting book
  • A White Sox Legacy brick
It's all very wonderful!


Unknown said…
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Unknown said…
The last five packages I found a package on my porch they were kids. I finally had to shoot the stork. :-D
Peder said…
We've asked about using the stork instead of the usual delivery but apparently that's not an option covered by our insurance.
DD4 said…
Very cool gifts. That Heidi, she always knows the perfect gifts to please.
carrster said…
Yay! I love surprise packages!

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