Friday Random Thoughts

  • Lots of snow. We shoveled three times yesterday and once again this morning to dig my car out. Still more snow this afternoon. Guess we're catching up on missed snow from earlier in the year.
  • Kind of a ghost-town at work today. Very busy as we hardy few had to pick up the slack. Found out that they sent everyone home early yesterday. It's been a rough winter for staffing.
  • That book list from yesterday? I did some googling and I think that it originated as the top selling list from some bookstore (not sure which one). I thought it would be fun to update the list with something more current. Didn't find a good one though. Here's a list from Powell's (best bookstore ever, in Portland). It doesn't really fit the other list though as it's a mix of fiction/nonfiction/everything else. I'll keep looking.
  • Another booklist? I could happily work my way through this list, the winners and shortlisted Booker Prize novels. I've read five of these and enjoyed all of them greatly. I'd recommend the 2002 winner to everyone.
  • My baseball fix is about to get another hit. They're broadcasting a White Sox/Cubs game on Sunday afternoon on WGN. Man I wish we could head to Arizona.
  • That's all!


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