What's your permanent age?

(Via Instapundit) Great question from Scott Adams. He believes that everyone has a permanent age that's set at birth. His is 42.

When I ask people about their permanent age, they usually beg it off by saying they don’t have one. But if you press, you always get an answer. And the age they pick won’t surprise you. Some people are kids all their lives. They will admit they are 12-years old. Other people have always had senior citizen interests and perspectives. If you’re 30-years old in nominal terms, but you love bingo and you think kids should stop wearing those big baggy pants and listening to hip-hop music, your permanent age might be 60.
The FP Gal puts her age at around 28. I'd put mine around 22. (That makes sense as she's the the more adult one.) I'm the one that's perpetually ready to join the adult world but always has one more course to take before graduating.


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