A Novel reminder

Just a reminder that November is National Novel Writing Month. This was a blast last year and I expect to enjoy it again. The idea is simple. You write a 50,000 word novel in 30 days. The idea is that the time crunch will turn off your 'over-editor' and let the words flow out of you, leading you to new and interesting paths.
When I started last Nov.1 I had little hope of actually making it. I thought the discipline would be too much. Or that other events would get in the way. But I soon found that I was looking forward to my writing time. I didn't know where the characters were going and it was very enjoyable getting to know them.
How'd the story turn out? Not bad. I knew pretty early on that I was writing just for myself. Didn't even go back and edit it. Turns out that was best because major elements of the story turn up in the current movie 'Good Luck Chuck'. (I didn't have the good sense to cast Jessica Alba in my story though.)
Anyway, take the plunge! The worst thing that can happen is that you'll start something and have to walk away from it later. But...you might just surprise yourself and create something you're proud of.


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