Random Sunday Night Thoughts (Baby edition)

  • We made it out to the MOA today and got two levels in. We got to figure out how the car seat works with the stroller. The durn thing has lots of bells and whistles. It'll probably take months before we learn it all.
  • We've gotten some pretty good sleep the last couple of nights. This is good for us but a little worrisome. Best advice I've gotten is from my friend Lia. She told me that what helped her most with her first child is that she hadn't read lots of books or listened to any advice. That way she could just take it all in stride. Good advice.
  • Is there anything better than a good swaddle? The FP Gal swears by something called the 'Miracle Blanket'. It has interior flaps to really hold the arms down strongly. She loves it. Well, they both do.
  • I'm pretty sure that swaddling is a violation of the Geneva Convention.
  • My walking trick is wearing thin but I may have found a way to make it more effective. I'm stuffing a blanket into the upper part of my shirt to make my chest softer. Don't laugh, it works. I may be pioneering something that will make fathers all over the world happy.
  • We actually had a conversation about what age 'Relia can start blogging at. Of course, by the time she's ready, it'll be some kind of stream of consciousness interface thingy. Amazing how fast this all moves, isn't it?
  • That's it!


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